luni, 16 martie 2009

Personal Top 10 - Jam & Spoon

1. Jam & Spoon Feat. Plavka - Angel (La Da Di O-Heyo)

2. Jam & Spoon's Hands On Yello - You Gotta Say Yes To Another Excess - Great Mission

3. Tokyo Ghetto Pussy - I Kiss Your Lips

4. Storm - We Love (Mellow Trax Remix)

5. Jam & Spoon Feat. Rea Garvey - Be Angeled

6. Storm - Time To Burn

7. Jam & Spoon Feat. Plavka - Find Me (Odyssey To Anyoona)

8. Jam & Spoon Feat. Plavka - Kaleidoscope Skies

9. Tokyo Ghetto Pussy - To Another Galaxy

10. Jam & Spoon Feat. Plavka - Right In The Night (Fall In Love With Music)

May 2007 was when...

...I created a YouTube account.
At first I didn't quite remember why I created a youtube account. But now I do: so, I created the account in order to re-upload the original trailer of Wolfen. Then, as I started viewing some videos, I saw some missing. That's when I decided to upload this:

Yup, this post is about Rea Garvey as well, the main vocalist of Reamonn (Life Is A Dream, Supergirl, Tonight). I first saw Rea Garvey in an old video on MCM Romania, singing over Jam El Mar and Marc Spoon's (Rest In Peace Marc Spoon) beats. As the song has two different video versions, this was the one I saw:

As I was already familiar with the works of Jam & Spoon (Right In The Night, Angel (La Da Di O-Heyo, Kaleidoscope Skies, Find Me), I knew anything they made was nothing short of a great hit abroad. I say 'abroad', because after the downfall of VIVA TV (Rest In Peace), the only acceptable music source on TV was that of MCM or MCM Romania. This is what once used to be called trance. What we have nowadays on the trance scene is commercial bullfrog crap. Well, as long as it puts an end to the crisis, which I truly, honestly and sincerely doubt... but that's another story.

sâmbătă, 14 martie 2009

Back To The Old School

Mi s-a oferit ocazia sa ajung prin Jazz (un club) ieri seara. Am stat pana la vreo 3 dimineata. Cu doua 'burn'-uri la bord, mi-am exercitat miscarile de dans pe ritmurile urmatoarelor piese:

Inner Circle - Sweat (A La La La La Long)
Republic - 16 Tonna Fekete Szen
Voltaj - 20
Faithless - Insomnia (Un remix de la ceva amator)
Chris Isaak - Wicked Game
? - Guantanamera
Pat Boone - Speedy Gonzales
Chubby Checker - The Twist
Chubby Checker - Let's Twist Again
Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock
Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love
? - Besame Mucho
Zucchero - Baila
Ray Charles - Hit The Road, Jack
Gareth Gates - Spirit In The Sky
Texas - Summer Son
James Blunt - You're Beautiful
Shania Twain - Man, I Feel Like A Woman
Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall
Mika - Relax (Take It Easy)
Duffy - Mercy
Spin Doctors - Two Princes
The Pointer Sisters - I'm So Excited
Lipps Inc. - Funkytown
Elton John - I'm Still Standing
Roxette - The Look
Freddie Mercury - Living On My Own
George Michael - Faith
Michael Jackson - Beat It
Bob Marley - Could You Be Loved
UB40 - Can't Help Falling In Love
Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Guns'N Roses - Sweet Child O'Mine
Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence
Sandra - Hey Little Girl
Seal/Adamski - Killer
Shania Twain - That Don't Impress Me Much
Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
Blue - Guilty
Reamonn - Supergirl
Desperados - Lene De Ma Doare
Leonard Cohen - Dance Me To The End Of Love
Bon-Bon - Valami Amerika
Moby - Lift Me Up
Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl
Fatboy Slim - The Rockafeller Skank
The Rasmus - In The Shadows
The Beloved - Sweet Harmony
Apollo 440 - Stop The Rock
Bodyrockers - I Like The Way You Move
Emma Bunton - We're Not Gonna Sleep Tonight
UB40 - Red Red Wine
Dire Straits - Money For Nothing

... plus inca 10 piese de care nu am auzit in viata mea, dar cica sunt evergreens.
In urma acestei experiente am avut ocazia sa aflu ca inca nu mi-am pierdut statutul de enciclopedie muzicala.

Expresia zilei: 'Este mult aer in iarba!'
PS: Nu eram high...

marți, 3 martie 2009

Scurt Playlist Inainte De A Da Definitivatul La Sibiu

O analiza a unor piese pe care le aveam pe mp3 player-ul meu pe cand eram la Sibiu anul trecut in August.

Tarkan - Simarik

Piesa aceasta va aparea pe random de fiecare data cand te plimbi pe o strada din Sibiu si chiar la o aruncatura de piatra de locul unde esti cazat. In timp ce mergi linistit pe strada cu o atitudine degajata si nu vrei nicicum sa le dai de stire localnicilor ca esti de acolo, piesa va incepe si conform "Living On Video"-ului, incepi sa te misti tantos pe strada, asemenea lui Tarkan, in speranta ca vei da pe drum de cineva cu care sa "mua-mua"...

Stefan Raab - Hier Kommt Die Maus

Cand incepi sa iti dai seama ca ai o miscare prea "tarkaneasca" si lumea din jur isi poate face o parere cam dubioasa despre tine, te gandesti ca totusi mergi pe strazile unei societati civilizate, nu prin ghetouri turcesti asemanatoare celor din clipul Simarik. Urmatorul pas dupa ce ti-ai dat seama de acest lucru este in mod evident incercarea schimbarii piesei. Si surpriza... e o piesa pe ritmul careia te poti zbengui si mai si pe strada. Cu riscul de a nu fi considerat manelist, iti continui drumul pe ritmurile piesei mentionate inainte.

Schnappi - Schnappi, Das Kleine Krokodil

Cea mai utila piesa. Poate fi folosita ca substitut pentru o mantra. Necantarea aceastei piese impreuna cu un foarte bun prieten chiar inainte de ultima proba orala cu cei mai severi profesori (cica) duce inevitabil la picarea examenului. Ne-am inteles, nu?

Schnappi Und Das Lama - Ein Lama In Yokohama

The next best thing dupa piesa dinainte. Ca efect, are o intensitate mai mica, dar pornind de la proverbul 'repetitio mater studiorum est', putem realiza miracole chiar si la cele mai solicitante examene.

Der Grosse Hussar

Cand esti cu prietenii, poti afla, printre altele, ca amintindu-ti de un cantec vechi pe care l-ai ascultat ultima oara acum cateva luni bune si nici atunci nu ai avut habar de versurile originale, il poti recrea (mai mult sau mai putin stalcit) apeland la propria putere de creatie. Cantarea acestui imn de dragoste si dor poate da nastere la lupte cu perne, alergari pe coridorul pensiunii unde esti cazat la ora 3 dimineata, precum si la cinstiri din partea proaspat-cunoscutilor. Hit-ul verii'2008 garantat!