Azi am fost cu agentul cu nume de cod 'Moldo' pana la Real in vederea achizitionarii unor ofrande care servesc la desavarsirea ritualului sacru al onomasticii materne. Am parasit premisele cu doua plase, respectiv un ghiozdan ticsit de capturi unele mai ramarcabile decat celelalte. In cadrul acestui proces indelungat de pseudo-lamentatie, caracterizat in mod paradoxal prin auto-afirmare abuziva si excesiva, cele doua parti s-au angajat in conversatie. Un aparent moment de reflexie asupra a ceea ce pentru unii ar parea ca fiind rupt din perioada Schopenhaueriana a scos la iveala mai multe filozofii de viata si vorbe de duh, dupa cum urmeaza:
Peti: Si daca nu ii place lu' taica-tau cadoul?
Paul: Pai daca nu-i place, il bea Paul... ce are?
Paul: Ma, tu stii de ce nu avem noi prietene?
Peti: Hm?
Paul: Pentru ca toate fetele sunt c*rve!
Paul (uitandu-se la o cana cu un pinguin pe ea): Uite ce fain ii!
Peti: Asta-i ca si cum i-ai zice mamei tale ca e pinguin... =))
Paul: Na mai, cauta acolo o punga pentru bautura!
Peti: Eu zic ca aici nu gasim, hai la casa, poate au acolo.
Paul: Uite, ia aia de-acolo.
Peti: Aia cu Winnie the Pooh?
Paul: Da, mai.
Peti: Baaaaaaaaaaa...
Paul: Ce-i mai?
Peti: Pai aia e verde mai si are flori... ti se pare ca acum e primavara?
Paul: Tiai mai...
Peti: Ia-i si tu ceva mai de sezon, uite aia de acolo...
Paul: Aia nu!
Peti: Eu cred ca s-ar bucura mai mult pentru punga asta cu Mickey.
Paul: Michi o cazut in copca?
Pati & Paul: =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Peti: Uite punga de aici e buna. Are si brazi si chestii de Craciun.
Paul: Pentru maica-mea da, dar pentru taica-meu?
Peti: Hmmmm... Winnie the Pooh?
Paul: Winnie The Pooh.
[Si Vlad statea langa Julia]
Peti: ... :|
Paul: ... :|
Peti: De pe telefonul tau se pot descarca poze?
Paul: Nu.
Peti: De ce nu mi-am adus camera? :|
Paul: Hai sa luam niste ciocolata.
Peti: Dar ai zis ca la maica-ta nu ii place ciocolata... :|
Paul: Pe banii mei sa nu faca figuri!
Peti: =))
Paul: Si asa-mi vine cateodata...
Peti: Si asa-mi vine cateodata...
Paul: Sa dau cu cutitu-n piatra...
Peti: Sa dau cu cutitu-n piatra...
Paul: Mai Dorule...
Peti: Mai Dutzule...
Peti: Unora le-a dat cu carul...
Paul: Unora le-a dat cu parul...
Peti & Paul: =))))))))))))))))
Paul: Iara mie cu paharul...
Peti: Iara mie cu paharul...
Paul: Mai Dorule...
Peti: Mai Dutzule...
Paul: Mai stii cand am dus cadou de ziua Adrianei si pe punga jos scria ceva de Dutu?
Peti: 'La Multi Ani Dutzu' sau ceva de genul?
Paul: Da. =))
Peti: =))
Paul & Peti: =)))))
Peti: Nici acela n-a fost plin...
Paul: Nici acela n-a fost plin...
Peti: Jumatate-o fost venin...
Paul: Jumatate-o fost venin...
Peti & Paul: Mai Doruuuuuuule...
Peti: Nici acela n-a fost tras...
Paul: Nici acela n-a fost tras...
Peti: Jumatate-o fost nacaz...
Paul: Jumatate-o fost nacaz...
Peti & Paul: Mai Doruuuuuuule...
[trece o femeie pe langa noi]
Paul: Daca se uita asta la noi, zi ca avem alcoolice in punga.
Peti: =)))
Paul: Uite Petre ce e aici! Astea-s bauturi pentru tine!
Peti: Pina colada?
Paul: Si sa vezi ca poate dintr-o sticla iese Gunther...
Peti: =))
Paul: Uite ma, slibovita!
Peti: Fuck the cola, fuck the pizza, all we need is slibovita.
Paul: =))
Peti: Uite aici! saniuta fuge, nimeni n-o ajunge...
Paul: =)))))))))))
Peti: De ziua ta, mamico, in dar ti-am adus palinca...
Paul & Peti: =)))))))))
Baiat la casa: Va rog sa mergeti pana la domnisoara aceea, ati castigat un vin si un cozonac.
Peti: Huh?
Baiat la casa: Ati castigat un vin si un cozonac, mergeti la domnisoara.
Peti: [...] bine. Paul, socate banii.
Baiat la casa: 115 lei si 50 de bani.
Peti: Paul, scoate baniiiiiiiiii!
Paul: Hm?
Domnisoara cu promotia: Dati-mi numele, va rog.
Peti: O secunda sa imi dea asta banii!
Domnisoara: Bine... :|
Peti: Pauleeeeeeeee... scoate banii!
Peti: Baaaaaaaaaah, ce faci? Aia nu-mi trebuie ca e mucegaita!
Paul: Daca le alegeai una cate una, mergea mai repede treaba...
[vreo doua minute mai tarziu]
Paul: Mai ce urat s-a uitat la tine femeia cand i-ai pus castanele pe masa!
Peti: [cenzurat]
No comment...
luni, 15 decembrie 2008
miercuri, 26 noiembrie 2008
It's Too Bad She Won't Live, But Then Again Who Does?
If I were to choose the lines that stand out as representatives for my second favourite movie, the one in the title would be one of these.
The movie is called Blade Runner and was first released in 1982. Since then, it suffered a lot of fixes and refixes, thus more versions of the movie are available. I've seen the following (and I guess that's roughly all of them) versions:
-Original Theatrical Version
-Original Theatrical Cut
-Director's Cut (1992)
-Final Cut (2007)
-Fan Edit (ADigitalMan) (2008)
-Original Workprint (I've recently gotten hold of this)
I remember watching the movie when I was younger, but lacking the necessary knowledge needed to properly interpret or even dare to comment upon this movie, I always considered it only an action movie. But I later found it is way more tahn that.
Blade Runner is a movie that gives very much importance to details. If a certain scene is cut in a certain version of the movie, it is simply because it tends to supress or stress certain ideas in that specific version. Thus we can conclude that each version, even though containing the same scenes up to a point, if enriched with the adding of a deleted scene tends to slightly alter or completely change the main idea about the main character(s) or Ridley Scott's (the director) vision of a cyberpunk future. What is amazing is that everytime I watch this movie, newer and newer questions start to arise within me and with a little pondering or some not-so-obvious references in the movie being present, I can find the answer to these.
I've recently checked the IMDB for Blade Runner and it ranked place #103 on the list of the top 250 movies. Good thing we have people around who are still able to escape everyday routine and think a bit about their existence, as this movie focuses more on existentialism. I'd personally give it a 10/10. Let's get serious: the movie was way ahead of its time in 1982, as I saw some guy post this on some board on the internet and is still way ahead of its time now.
Those who consider this piece of art seriously overrated should watch it about 2-3 times more, simply because watching the movie only one time may not really provide you with a decent overview of a picture-perfect Future Noir envisaged by Ridley Scott.
The trailer of the Final Cut:
The movie is called Blade Runner and was first released in 1982. Since then, it suffered a lot of fixes and refixes, thus more versions of the movie are available. I've seen the following (and I guess that's roughly all of them) versions:
-Original Theatrical Version
-Original Theatrical Cut
-Director's Cut (1992)
-Final Cut (2007)
-Fan Edit (ADigitalMan) (2008)
-Original Workprint (I've recently gotten hold of this)
I remember watching the movie when I was younger, but lacking the necessary knowledge needed to properly interpret or even dare to comment upon this movie, I always considered it only an action movie. But I later found it is way more tahn that.
Blade Runner is a movie that gives very much importance to details. If a certain scene is cut in a certain version of the movie, it is simply because it tends to supress or stress certain ideas in that specific version. Thus we can conclude that each version, even though containing the same scenes up to a point, if enriched with the adding of a deleted scene tends to slightly alter or completely change the main idea about the main character(s) or Ridley Scott's (the director) vision of a cyberpunk future. What is amazing is that everytime I watch this movie, newer and newer questions start to arise within me and with a little pondering or some not-so-obvious references in the movie being present, I can find the answer to these.
I've recently checked the IMDB for Blade Runner and it ranked place #103 on the list of the top 250 movies. Good thing we have people around who are still able to escape everyday routine and think a bit about their existence, as this movie focuses more on existentialism. I'd personally give it a 10/10. Let's get serious: the movie was way ahead of its time in 1982, as I saw some guy post this on some board on the internet and is still way ahead of its time now.
Those who consider this piece of art seriously overrated should watch it about 2-3 times more, simply because watching the movie only one time may not really provide you with a decent overview of a picture-perfect Future Noir envisaged by Ridley Scott.
The trailer of the Final Cut:
duminică, 23 noiembrie 2008
Qui A Moins Peur De Late Night Gaming?
Well, I'm over it. Playing the game in broad daylight is much more comfortable. I've resumed playing it with my precious gamepad. Still not the real feeling, but I'm a get on it a bit later. In fact, right about now would sound perfect... ;)
Tonight I hung out a bit with Ceci, Radu and Mary. Went to L'Olive Bleue, had some Red Orange tea with honey and discussed on the following topics: Obama, olympics, games, education, accidents, and kids showing off about how they caught their parents doin' it... oh yeah, we also told jokes. :D
Tonight I hung out a bit with Ceci, Radu and Mary. Went to L'Olive Bleue, had some Red Orange tea with honey and discussed on the following topics: Obama, olympics, games, education, accidents, and kids showing off about how they caught their parents doin' it... oh yeah, we also told jokes. :D
sâmbătă, 22 noiembrie 2008
Qui A Peur De Late Night Gaming?
[23.11.08, 5:30 A.M.]
Am vrut sa incerc sa il joc. Am incercat chiar sa pornesc un program de muzica astfel incat sa acopere BGM-ul jocului. Apoi m-am gandit totusi sa 'get into the groove'. Am oprit programul de muzica. What do you know? Dupa ce trebuia sa imi restartez PC-ul din cauza unui crash dupa primul filmulet de tranzitie, i-am dat din nou drumul cu sunetul original. Am stat vreo 4-5 minute si m-am jucat. La primul sunet ciudat (fosnitura de frunza... cred) am inchis jocul. Trebuie sa il reiau. Freakin' scary... cred ca s-au distrat astia cand au facut coloana sonora si efectele de s-au rupt...
Jur ca dupa ce ma voi fi trezit, ma apuc din nou de joc! Sper doar sa nu sara ceva dintr-o tufa, bush it!
A propos, exista o piesa care te scapa de temerile de moment...
Am vrut sa incerc sa il joc. Am incercat chiar sa pornesc un program de muzica astfel incat sa acopere BGM-ul jocului. Apoi m-am gandit totusi sa 'get into the groove'. Am oprit programul de muzica. What do you know? Dupa ce trebuia sa imi restartez PC-ul din cauza unui crash dupa primul filmulet de tranzitie, i-am dat din nou drumul cu sunetul original. Am stat vreo 4-5 minute si m-am jucat. La primul sunet ciudat (fosnitura de frunza... cred) am inchis jocul. Trebuie sa il reiau. Freakin' scary... cred ca s-au distrat astia cand au facut coloana sonora si efectele de s-au rupt...
Jur ca dupa ce ma voi fi trezit, ma apuc din nou de joc! Sper doar sa nu sara ceva dintr-o tufa, bush it!
A propos, exista o piesa care te scapa de temerile de moment...
vineri, 21 noiembrie 2008
Another Night, Another Dream
Let me introduce a new idea to whosoever may view this blog. It's about music. Music is everything. Without music, what would there be in this endless vacuum we refer to as 'world'? It's a universal language. We talk about music, we love music, we feel music. Those who can in no way relate - or pretend to - to the latter may I add, have been living their lives in vain. Music is all about feeling and healing. There is a right kind of music for any situation - happiness, sorrow, freedom, compassion, you name it.
I just happen to like the term 'versus' very much. This may refer to two or more bands or members of a band who decide to record a song together or become engaged in a sort of rivalry which does not necessarily have to mean they are battling in order to make a point in front of the general audience.
Another term which I also happen to like is 'featuring'. When a band or an artist decides to make something like this, there are two possible results. Considering the modern times we live in which sometimes even imply combining two or more artists coming from different musical genre backgrounds, we can conclude: the outcoming song is either a hit or a useless waste of time. The merging of genres must be carefully supervised, in order for it not to become a failure. Even the two most different styles of music we never dared imagine possible may just as well exist combined into a single one. I'll come back to this in a later post. Now on with my story...
A couple of weeks ago, I got hold of some Schiller videos. Schiller, (once a german band, now only Christopher von Deylen, one of the founders of the band is going solo under the name Schiller) experimenting various styles, such as trance, new age and ambient came to a certain point in 2002 when he decided to team up with Peter Heppner, (member of the band Wolfsheim) for the song 'Dream of You'. It was probably the success of the song that determined Schiller to go on working with Heppner for their next hit, which became really famous. This hit was called 'Leben... I Feel You', though most people refer to it as only 'I Feel You'.
Among these videos I got my hands on was a video of Schiller's whose viewing for reasons unknown I tended to postpone.
About a half an hour ago, I watched the video. Only once. Then I started just listening to the song, but this time without viewing the video itself. Who is Xavier Naidoo who does the vocals? Back in the days when we had VIVA through cable, my eyes were kind of stuck to the TV set while listening to Xavier's 'Sie Sieht Mich Nicht' (She Doesn't See Me). Now let me imagine a song with both Schiller and Xavier in it. Not impossible, I said to myself. Then I saw the video... I can't quite claim I've never before seen so touching a video, but it moved me in some way. I can feel it. Maybe it will move you too if you get its message... the song is called 'Sehnsucht'(Yearning) ...
Schiller Mit Heppner Und Isgaard - Dream Of You
Schiller Mit Peter Heppner - Leben... I Feel You
Xavier Naidoo - Sie Siecht Mich Nicht
Schiller Mit Isgaard - Ein Schoner Tag
Schiller Mit Xavier Naidoo - Sehnsucht (Video N/A in Romania...)
I just happen to like the term 'versus' very much. This may refer to two or more bands or members of a band who decide to record a song together or become engaged in a sort of rivalry which does not necessarily have to mean they are battling in order to make a point in front of the general audience.
Another term which I also happen to like is 'featuring'. When a band or an artist decides to make something like this, there are two possible results. Considering the modern times we live in which sometimes even imply combining two or more artists coming from different musical genre backgrounds, we can conclude: the outcoming song is either a hit or a useless waste of time. The merging of genres must be carefully supervised, in order for it not to become a failure. Even the two most different styles of music we never dared imagine possible may just as well exist combined into a single one. I'll come back to this in a later post. Now on with my story...
A couple of weeks ago, I got hold of some Schiller videos. Schiller, (once a german band, now only Christopher von Deylen, one of the founders of the band is going solo under the name Schiller) experimenting various styles, such as trance, new age and ambient came to a certain point in 2002 when he decided to team up with Peter Heppner, (member of the band Wolfsheim) for the song 'Dream of You'. It was probably the success of the song that determined Schiller to go on working with Heppner for their next hit, which became really famous. This hit was called 'Leben... I Feel You', though most people refer to it as only 'I Feel You'.
Among these videos I got my hands on was a video of Schiller's whose viewing for reasons unknown I tended to postpone.
About a half an hour ago, I watched the video. Only once. Then I started just listening to the song, but this time without viewing the video itself. Who is Xavier Naidoo who does the vocals? Back in the days when we had VIVA through cable, my eyes were kind of stuck to the TV set while listening to Xavier's 'Sie Sieht Mich Nicht' (She Doesn't See Me). Now let me imagine a song with both Schiller and Xavier in it. Not impossible, I said to myself. Then I saw the video... I can't quite claim I've never before seen so touching a video, but it moved me in some way. I can feel it. Maybe it will move you too if you get its message... the song is called 'Sehnsucht'(Yearning) ...
Schiller Mit Heppner Und Isgaard - Dream Of You
Schiller Mit Peter Heppner - Leben... I Feel You
Xavier Naidoo - Sie Siecht Mich Nicht
Schiller Mit Isgaard - Ein Schoner Tag
Schiller Mit Xavier Naidoo - Sehnsucht (Video N/A in Romania...)
miercuri, 19 noiembrie 2008
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
I always had this thing for foreign languages. My friends aren't surprised to hear me make up a sentence in five languages. In fact, most of them are quite used to this. It's just my way to be. Bubba Sparxxx's quote 'How else can I say it? I don't speak no other languages!' doesn't apply to me at all. Since I was thrown in an English-speaking kindergarten as a kid, I later found keeping my eyes on the TV set was really paying off, not to mention extremely rewarding. Not only did I learn lots of English by watching TV but other languages as well. Take German for example. Pro Sieben was one of my favourite channels back in the 90s. As I kept watching two of my favourite movies in German over and over again since I had them on some old VHS tapes, I started learning more and more about this wonderful and expressive language. As times changed, so did my tastes in what concerns music. The song 'Ohne Dich' ('Without You') by Ramms+ein became one of my favourite tracks through the years. Even though I first fell in love with Mina Harker's Version/Laibach Remix of the song, I came to love the original just as much.
Ramms+ein is an impressive industrial metal band from Germany which I have yet to see come to Romania for a concert. Schiller visited our country some years ago and brought Peter Heppner along as well. Next on the list of German bands to visit us --- Ramms+ein?
Ohne Dich:
Ohne Dich (Mina Harker's Version/Laibach Remix):
Ohne Dich (Schiller Mix)(Fan-Made Video):
After previewing the post, I found it's a great idea to play the first two versions at the same time. Just lovely...
Ramms+ein is an impressive industrial metal band from Germany which I have yet to see come to Romania for a concert. Schiller visited our country some years ago and brought Peter Heppner along as well. Next on the list of German bands to visit us --- Ramms+ein?
Ohne Dich:
Ohne Dich (Mina Harker's Version/Laibach Remix):
Ohne Dich (Schiller Mix)(Fan-Made Video):
After previewing the post, I found it's a great idea to play the first two versions at the same time. Just lovely...
duminică, 16 noiembrie 2008
Music With Style
It's been almost 13 years since I bought Sparks' album 'Gratuitous Sax and Senseless Violins' on MC. I was very fond of having it then and I can still remember how sophisticated some lyrics were for me. Back then, there were two major album distributing companies, Vivo and Poker. I guess there was rivalry between these two, but I'm not certain. Original MCs were hard to find, so these two companies started releasing the 'only for sale in Romania' versions. The fact was if an album was issued by these two companies, some differences were to be noticed: the Vivo versions usually contained more tracks, while the Poker ones were recorded in higher quality. I got my Sparks copy from Poker because that was the only company that issued this album I guess. I fell in love with one of their tracks, '(When I Kiss You) I Hear Charlie Parker Playing'. It had very good lyrics, a video that couldn't quite be frowned upon and a very catchy and modern beat. A couple of days ago I rediscovered their album and instantly copied it on my mp3 player. Pure genius, that's what this album is. I mean who else can mix sophisticated lyrics with classic black-and-white video imagery AND put it on a groove that the eurodance world that once was out there would take for granted? That's right. NO ONE... but Sparks.
miercuri, 12 noiembrie 2008
12 Noiembrie 2008
Azi a fost o zi hyper la scoala. Aproape tot a mers conform planului. Asa cum trece timpul, continui sa fiu din ce in ce mai mandru de clasa mea, dar si de propriile eforturi pe care le-am depus in vederea educarii lor in ceea ce priveste in primul rand engleza si franceza. Stiu ca imi va fi la un moment-dat, cand vor fi terminat clasa a VIII-a foarte dor de ei. Deja stiu dinainte ca voi plange la festivitate si la banchet. Numai Dumnezeu ma putea binecuvanta cu asemenea copii minunati! Iti multumesc din suflet, Doamne!
Cangurul meu a fost super simpatic azi, spunandu-mi ca de ziua ei ar vrea "a kangaroo costume". Warmed my heart a bit more than I expected.
Simpatia copiilor mei a reusit sa imi incalzeasca inima in laboratorul acela de biologie-chimie de la etaj in care azi soba era oprita si incalzirea inexistenta.
Multumesc, clasa a VII-a A! Va iubesc pe toti! Multumesc ca mi-ati dat onoarea sa va fiu diriginte!
Sper ca intr-o zi va voi putea arata acest blog cu mandrie.
Muncitorii au inceput lucrarile de extindere a scolii cu niste sali de clasa si constructia unui grup sanitar interior. S-au taiat niste copaci si s-au tinut sedinte cu parintii elevilor din clasele I-IV. La sfarsitul orelor am iesit cu cativa copii din clasa a VIII-a, a VI-a si a VII-a, precum si cu Iepurovski sa ne amintim de incidentul legat de excursia la Targu-Mures de anul trecut. A mai fost amintit Emil ca desemnat al primariei in vederea managementului copacilor proaspat taiati.
Cangurul meu a fost super simpatic azi, spunandu-mi ca de ziua ei ar vrea "a kangaroo costume". Warmed my heart a bit more than I expected.
Simpatia copiilor mei a reusit sa imi incalzeasca inima in laboratorul acela de biologie-chimie de la etaj in care azi soba era oprita si incalzirea inexistenta.
Multumesc, clasa a VII-a A! Va iubesc pe toti! Multumesc ca mi-ati dat onoarea sa va fiu diriginte!
Sper ca intr-o zi va voi putea arata acest blog cu mandrie.
Muncitorii au inceput lucrarile de extindere a scolii cu niste sali de clasa si constructia unui grup sanitar interior. S-au taiat niste copaci si s-au tinut sedinte cu parintii elevilor din clasele I-IV. La sfarsitul orelor am iesit cu cativa copii din clasa a VIII-a, a VI-a si a VII-a, precum si cu Iepurovski sa ne amintim de incidentul legat de excursia la Targu-Mures de anul trecut. A mai fost amintit Emil ca desemnat al primariei in vederea managementului copacilor proaspat taiati.
luni, 10 noiembrie 2008
Game Files: Waku Waku 7: Mauru
Mauru is a cat-like creature (sometimes referred to as 'monster', yet I can't see why, even though he is waaaaaaaaaaaaay larger than your average household feline) who encounters a little girl named Mugi and joins her in her quest to find her parents from which she somehow got separated from. In the game, he has very funny moves and I sometimes get to compare him with Doraemon and Totoro. The first thing that captured me, as I must admit was his cat-like silhouette and his kind-heartedness. It is to Mauru that I owe the fact that Waku Waku 7 is one of my favourite beat'em up games to play on a lazy sunday afternoon. Cute, fuzzy and caring. That's Mauru. =^_^=
duminică, 9 noiembrie 2008
Waku Waku 7
I thought of adding a favourite characters entry to my blog every now and then, since one of my main concerns is gaming. Here's one of them.
In the game Waku Waku 7, my attention fell mostly on this weird cat-like creature whose mission in the game is to help a little girl (Mugi) find her parents. At the end of the game, when he frees the fairy, he wastes his sole wish the fairy chose to fulfill on Mugi's reuniting with her family. Very touchy. =^_^=
Superstitie Din Mosi-Stramosi Lasata
Saturday, ~10:30 AM
Saturday: I was sitting on a bench at the train station in Cluj. At least an hour had passed. I was waiting for Her. There, I lived a "living on video" phenomenon. The video in question was Alvarez and Peter Heppner's 'Vielleicht'. Watched a couple of pigeons, crows and sparrows fly around. Shared a kurtos kalacs, a sandwich and an orange with an old homeless lady sitting next to me on that row of benches. I found out she once had a decent life, she had been a respectable woman, but once she took drinking way too seriously this was how things eventually wound up.
The Video:
Saturday: I was sitting on a bench at the train station in Cluj. At least an hour had passed. I was waiting for her. There, I lived a "living on video" phenomenon. The video in question was Alvarez and Peter Heppner's 'Vielleicht'. Watched a couple of pigeons, crows and sparrows fly around. Shared a kurtos kalacs, a sandwich and an orange with an old homeless lady sitting next to me on that row of benches. I found out she once had a decent life, she had been a respectable woman, but once she took drinking way too seriously this was where things eventually wound up.
Primul Post E Intotdeauna Cel Mai Dureros
Candva vei intelege...
Poate chiar acum, cat timp scriu asta
Desi ma-ndoiesc
Poate un pic mai tarziu,
Poate chiar niciodata
Desi ma-ndoiesc si de aceasta
Si de se va intampla vreodata sa-ntelegi,
Sper ca nu va fi prea tarziu
Mult prea tarziu pentru mine
Voi fi suflul ce adie printre frunzele copacilor
Lasand in urma doar amaraciune si declin
Un vid blestemat, un suflet gaurit
Ca si un cearsaf ros de molii
Atat si nu mai mult
Dar tu nici ca vei sti
Sigur nici ca iti va pasa
Inima ta va fi deja la altul
Si la altul, si la altul...
Poate chiar acum, cat timp scriu asta
Desi ma-ndoiesc
Poate un pic mai tarziu,
Poate chiar niciodata
Desi ma-ndoiesc si de aceasta
Si de se va intampla vreodata sa-ntelegi,
Sper ca nu va fi prea tarziu
Mult prea tarziu pentru mine
Voi fi suflul ce adie printre frunzele copacilor
Lasand in urma doar amaraciune si declin
Un vid blestemat, un suflet gaurit
Ca si un cearsaf ros de molii
Atat si nu mai mult
Dar tu nici ca vei sti
Sigur nici ca iti va pasa
Inima ta va fi deja la altul
Si la altul, si la altul...
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