luni, 16 martie 2009

Personal Top 10 - Jam & Spoon

1. Jam & Spoon Feat. Plavka - Angel (La Da Di O-Heyo)

2. Jam & Spoon's Hands On Yello - You Gotta Say Yes To Another Excess - Great Mission

3. Tokyo Ghetto Pussy - I Kiss Your Lips

4. Storm - We Love (Mellow Trax Remix)

5. Jam & Spoon Feat. Rea Garvey - Be Angeled

6. Storm - Time To Burn

7. Jam & Spoon Feat. Plavka - Find Me (Odyssey To Anyoona)

8. Jam & Spoon Feat. Plavka - Kaleidoscope Skies

9. Tokyo Ghetto Pussy - To Another Galaxy

10. Jam & Spoon Feat. Plavka - Right In The Night (Fall In Love With Music)

May 2007 was when...

...I created a YouTube account.
At first I didn't quite remember why I created a youtube account. But now I do: so, I created the account in order to re-upload the original trailer of Wolfen. Then, as I started viewing some videos, I saw some missing. That's when I decided to upload this:

Yup, this post is about Rea Garvey as well, the main vocalist of Reamonn (Life Is A Dream, Supergirl, Tonight). I first saw Rea Garvey in an old video on MCM Romania, singing over Jam El Mar and Marc Spoon's (Rest In Peace Marc Spoon) beats. As the song has two different video versions, this was the one I saw:

As I was already familiar with the works of Jam & Spoon (Right In The Night, Angel (La Da Di O-Heyo, Kaleidoscope Skies, Find Me), I knew anything they made was nothing short of a great hit abroad. I say 'abroad', because after the downfall of VIVA TV (Rest In Peace), the only acceptable music source on TV was that of MCM or MCM Romania. This is what once used to be called trance. What we have nowadays on the trance scene is commercial bullfrog crap. Well, as long as it puts an end to the crisis, which I truly, honestly and sincerely doubt... but that's another story.

sâmbătă, 14 martie 2009

Back To The Old School

Mi s-a oferit ocazia sa ajung prin Jazz (un club) ieri seara. Am stat pana la vreo 3 dimineata. Cu doua 'burn'-uri la bord, mi-am exercitat miscarile de dans pe ritmurile urmatoarelor piese:

Inner Circle - Sweat (A La La La La Long)
Republic - 16 Tonna Fekete Szen
Voltaj - 20
Faithless - Insomnia (Un remix de la ceva amator)
Chris Isaak - Wicked Game
? - Guantanamera
Pat Boone - Speedy Gonzales
Chubby Checker - The Twist
Chubby Checker - Let's Twist Again
Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock
Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love
? - Besame Mucho
Zucchero - Baila
Ray Charles - Hit The Road, Jack
Gareth Gates - Spirit In The Sky
Texas - Summer Son
James Blunt - You're Beautiful
Shania Twain - Man, I Feel Like A Woman
Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall
Mika - Relax (Take It Easy)
Duffy - Mercy
Spin Doctors - Two Princes
The Pointer Sisters - I'm So Excited
Lipps Inc. - Funkytown
Elton John - I'm Still Standing
Roxette - The Look
Freddie Mercury - Living On My Own
George Michael - Faith
Michael Jackson - Beat It
Bob Marley - Could You Be Loved
UB40 - Can't Help Falling In Love
Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Guns'N Roses - Sweet Child O'Mine
Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence
Sandra - Hey Little Girl
Seal/Adamski - Killer
Shania Twain - That Don't Impress Me Much
Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
Blue - Guilty
Reamonn - Supergirl
Desperados - Lene De Ma Doare
Leonard Cohen - Dance Me To The End Of Love
Bon-Bon - Valami Amerika
Moby - Lift Me Up
Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl
Fatboy Slim - The Rockafeller Skank
The Rasmus - In The Shadows
The Beloved - Sweet Harmony
Apollo 440 - Stop The Rock
Bodyrockers - I Like The Way You Move
Emma Bunton - We're Not Gonna Sleep Tonight
UB40 - Red Red Wine
Dire Straits - Money For Nothing

... plus inca 10 piese de care nu am auzit in viata mea, dar cica sunt evergreens.
In urma acestei experiente am avut ocazia sa aflu ca inca nu mi-am pierdut statutul de enciclopedie muzicala.

Expresia zilei: 'Este mult aer in iarba!'
PS: Nu eram high...

marți, 3 martie 2009

Scurt Playlist Inainte De A Da Definitivatul La Sibiu

O analiza a unor piese pe care le aveam pe mp3 player-ul meu pe cand eram la Sibiu anul trecut in August.

Tarkan - Simarik

Piesa aceasta va aparea pe random de fiecare data cand te plimbi pe o strada din Sibiu si chiar la o aruncatura de piatra de locul unde esti cazat. In timp ce mergi linistit pe strada cu o atitudine degajata si nu vrei nicicum sa le dai de stire localnicilor ca esti de acolo, piesa va incepe si conform "Living On Video"-ului, incepi sa te misti tantos pe strada, asemenea lui Tarkan, in speranta ca vei da pe drum de cineva cu care sa "mua-mua"...

Stefan Raab - Hier Kommt Die Maus

Cand incepi sa iti dai seama ca ai o miscare prea "tarkaneasca" si lumea din jur isi poate face o parere cam dubioasa despre tine, te gandesti ca totusi mergi pe strazile unei societati civilizate, nu prin ghetouri turcesti asemanatoare celor din clipul Simarik. Urmatorul pas dupa ce ti-ai dat seama de acest lucru este in mod evident incercarea schimbarii piesei. Si surpriza... e o piesa pe ritmul careia te poti zbengui si mai si pe strada. Cu riscul de a nu fi considerat manelist, iti continui drumul pe ritmurile piesei mentionate inainte.

Schnappi - Schnappi, Das Kleine Krokodil

Cea mai utila piesa. Poate fi folosita ca substitut pentru o mantra. Necantarea aceastei piese impreuna cu un foarte bun prieten chiar inainte de ultima proba orala cu cei mai severi profesori (cica) duce inevitabil la picarea examenului. Ne-am inteles, nu?

Schnappi Und Das Lama - Ein Lama In Yokohama

The next best thing dupa piesa dinainte. Ca efect, are o intensitate mai mica, dar pornind de la proverbul 'repetitio mater studiorum est', putem realiza miracole chiar si la cele mai solicitante examene.

Der Grosse Hussar

Cand esti cu prietenii, poti afla, printre altele, ca amintindu-ti de un cantec vechi pe care l-ai ascultat ultima oara acum cateva luni bune si nici atunci nu ai avut habar de versurile originale, il poti recrea (mai mult sau mai putin stalcit) apeland la propria putere de creatie. Cantarea acestui imn de dragoste si dor poate da nastere la lupte cu perne, alergari pe coridorul pensiunii unde esti cazat la ora 3 dimineata, precum si la cinstiri din partea proaspat-cunoscutilor. Hit-ul verii'2008 garantat!

sâmbătă, 21 februarie 2009

Movie: The Langoliers (1995)

Personal Rating: 8.5

Based on the works of Stephen King, this is a lengthy (3x60 minutes) classic starring Dean Stockwell among others.

Scary moments:

Almost none. Just the waiting and my being thrilled about what would happen next.

WTF moments:

-The dissappearing of all those people on the flight
-When the langoliers appeared

7 things I've learned from this movie:

1)Now I know what you get when you cross chestnuts with Pac-Man.
2)When you sleep at night, don't EVER ask yourself what happened to the previous day.
3)If you somehow manage to turn back time with let's say 15 minutes, do not think about grabbing a snack.
4)If you get lazy, the langoliers will get you.
5)Any strange noise you might hear... it's the langoliers!
6)You can save the money spent on TNT in the case of condemned buildings by hiring some langoliers.
7)On a red eye, you wouldn't want to be caught awake. Especially if strange weather is forecasted on the way to your destination.


Overall, a pretty nice movie. The cast is just as good.


All computer-animated stuff, including the langoliers.

duminică, 15 februarie 2009

Another Damn Dream

Had one of "those" dreams again. Not as haunting as the one HERE, but somehow still haunting. Scary.

When you focus too much on one thing, you hope of at least not dreaming about it at night. Right.

You will dream about the little things, the ones you never thought affect you during the daytime. Wrong.

The odds of dreaming about the very same thing both day and night, either with eyes open or closed are next to minute. Questionable.

This won't happen again anytime soon. Pray I'm right...

sâmbătă, 14 februarie 2009

Movie: Desperation (2006)

Personal Rating: 9.0

A very lenghty movie, but worth your while if you're looking for a great horror flick with a nice plot and storyline. Based on a novel by Stephen King.

Scary moments:

-more than 15.

WTF moments:

1)A cat stuck to the speed limit sign. Later a dog on the entrance to Desperation.
2)The rows of dogs at each side of the highway as Collie drives by.
3)The bloody slot-machine.
4)The body-swapping process.
5)The whole scene in which Steve and Cynthia investigate Desperation.
6)The scene in which David explores the police stations.
7)When Collie shoots Peter.

10 things I've learned from this movie:

1)Never listen to a policeman, especially if he acts weird or has a cut and bleeding face.
2)Marijuana now comes in packs with a smiley on it. :)
3)Trust in your local sheriff . He just might be the next best thing after Charles Manson.
4)'You have the right to an attorney. I will kill you'. Police brutality at its finest.
5)Your dead sister is now a ghost-like apparition. She'll help you figure things out.
6)Human bodies don't last long.
7)Once you're possessed by a more or less evil spirit, you just might have the power to control any animal by shouting a couple of syllables.
8)Chinamen and Americans don't make good neighbours.
9)IN Desperation, the are NO accidents.


1)Unpredictable plot.
2)Very many references to other movies.
3)Dark humour everywhere. Collie's role is outstanding.
4)This movie flung Ron Perlman right on my list of favourite actors.
5)Lots of scares and suspense.


1)Very many questions are left unanswered at the end of the movie.

Movie: Riding The Bullet (2004)

Personal Rating: 9.0

Excellent movie, based on Stephen King's novella bearing the same name. Checked the IMDB recently. The rating is far below which this movie actually deserves.

Scary moments:

-more than 10.

WTF moments:

1)The highway scene with the rabbit, the wolf and the crow.
2)Imaginary hospital-visiting scenes.
3)When Alan is trying to slit his wrist in the bath tub.
4)Some scenes in the car with George.
5)The scene in the hospital with the 'meowing' mother... just creepy.

8 things I've learned from this movie:

1)If you failed in riding a rollercoaster as a child, you'll feel sorry for it all your life.
2)Some drivers are not what they seem, so careful when hitch-hiking. I should be careful with this, since I commute to work every day.
3)Anything trying to have a snack on the highway WILL become roadkill.
4)Convince your mother to tell you the truth about how daddy died.
6)Smoking kills... sooner or later.
7)Love doesn't last. Only the love of a mother.


1)Excellent acting.
2)Excellent dark humour.
3)The 'dual choice scenes' were something I really felt comfortable with. Scary as hell, though...
4)The casting for the actors must have been a pretty lengthy process. They all rocked.
5)The plot was anything but predictable.
6)It was a clear and to-the-point movie. No use for extra scenes in the movie.


1)We never get to know what happens to Alan's two buddies.

Movie: Lake Placid 2 (2007)

Personal rating: 3.0

This is nothing compared to the first part. Awful CGI, lame characters, even lamer lines and not to mention the acting which fell almost below any of my expectations.

Scary moments:

-about 2. (Too damn predictable of a movie!)

WTF moments:

-The horrible CGI.

7 things I've learned from this movie:

1)Crocs can be found anywhere!
2)Crocs can pop out of nowhere!
3)When on an island, don't even think about hangin' from a tree. It's obvious why...
4)Crocs like giving head. Or is it 'getting head'? Hmmm...
5)Even though crocs chomp heads off, heads are still found later in the movie.
6)Crocodile-keeping is legacy. Heritage even. Passed down from sister to sister. Raising crocs is part of the Bickerman family traditions.
7)Crocs avoid eating blondes... 'you are what you eat'?


None I can think of...


1)Horrible CGI...
2)Crocs change sizes throughout the movie.
3)Horrible acting.
4)This movie is a disgrace to crocodiles.
5)Do NOT watch this movie unless you're a diehard fan of Lake Placid 1!

sâmbătă, 24 ianuarie 2009

Movie: Lake Placid (1999)

Personal rating: 6.5

This horror flick isn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I remember getting a version dubbed in Hungarian in about 2002, but never watched it. Tonight I felt kind of bored and decided to give a horror movie that doesn't involve too much philosophy a shot. It was worth my while.

Scary moments:

-about 4 or 5.

WTF moments:

-The croc attacking the bear.
-The second crocodile's appearance.

10 things I've learned from this movie:

1)Bears make weird sounds when chewed on by crocs.
2)Cows can be blindfolded and fed to the crocs.
3)Husbands can 'accidentally' be fed to the crocs as well.
4)Crocs do not eat heads.
5)Crocs tip over boats for no particular reason.
6)When you decide to take a walk in the forest, do not step on larger branches.
7)Helicopters have large amounts of fuel.
9)You can live on a farm and have a 30-foot pet crocodile.
10)When you find a huge tooth in a lake, the creature it belongs to can no way in hell be a crocodile!

5 thumbs-up:

1)The attempt of mixing the horror and comedy into something watchable.
2)Some of the dialogue is hilarious!
3)Oliver Platt and Brendan Gleeson's acting. Bill Pullman's acting is also nice.
4)Clear and to-the-point movie. Could have been longer, though...
5)'Law enforcement is very dangerous work, isn't it? And you have such big wonderful boobs! =)))

5 thumbs-down:

1)The uselessness of the dramatic music when Cyr flies in.
2)The old lady had the most swear-worded lines in the movie.
3)Bridget Fonda's constant nagging. Plus she falls off the boat two times and gets tripped by the croc's tail... for a main character she sure is clumsy as hell.
4)Some lines are thrown in there in order for something just to happen.
5)Sometimes people can't make up their minds whether to film in 16:9 or larger...

miercuri, 21 ianuarie 2009

A Midwinter Night's Dream

Wed, Jan 21 2009.

Firstly, I don't even know what language I should write this in. Secondly, I found out that I for one don't have the slightest idea about dreams and reveries. Nor do I know why the hell I am blogging this thing.

Anyway, it was a normal day at work, 6 classes in a row, no sweat. I met up with Moldo and went to buy something down at Real. We separated after having done the shopping and I came home, turned on the computer, had a few insignificant chat lines on YM. At about 5 o'clock I felt the need to get some shuteye. This of course turned to a quarte past 6. Then I somehow fell asleep. 'I'll wake up in about two hours and do what needs to be done, then I can still spend some time pondering about my open class tomorrow.'
And the funny thing is what I had least expected was a dream!
Picture the whole thing as something similar to a perfect dream or even THE perfect dream. All I ever wanted in life was there: friends, snow, harmony, dreams and even HER. That's what made all this so special.
I believe in dreams, but this seemed more like a doing of the great Oversoul which in its infinite power, decided to gift a human with a mere spark of blue dream powder, yet still enough dosage in order to overwhelm the dreamer with a certain sense of completion. How much of what I've been dreaming about made me determine it's THE perfect dream? Could there have been an even 'perfecter' dream? For the moment I don't care.

[20:35]: Dream-break
I just set the alarm at this exact time. I had no trouble at all getting up as I usually do. I quickly jumped off the bed, didn't give a damn about the cool air hovering in the room, reached under the bed for my slippers and like an arrow, I quickly got into my room, where I grew warmer. I was only trying to avoid what happened to poor St. Coleridge while he was trying to write Kubla Khan. Shook the mouse in order to make the monitor pop out of standby, opened a notepad and started writing everything down by sequence until about six or seven very consistent lines printed themselves on the monitor. All this was done very carefully, so no music or chatting while I tried to jot down a picture-perfect description of the dream. I saved about four copies of the document, yet I still feel like this is one of those dreams one isn't too likely to forget. Or at least willingly or very soon.

Yes I keep a dreamlog, some of us do. Dreams are those little things that can make our short, insignificant lives worthwhile.
In the last few days I haven't quite been sleeping regularly or efficiently for that matter. So to speak, four hours/a day seemed quite enough. Maybe the hours of gathered unsleep were the reason for my chance of having dreamt. Or was the listening of this song the trigger for my rocket into dreamworld?

What to do now? Should I text the people from my dream and tell them how glad I am that I am in their lives? That would sound kind of stupid in the world we live in nowadays... I'll find a way. I swear it. :)