sâmbătă, 14 februarie 2009

Movie: Desperation (2006)

Personal Rating: 9.0

A very lenghty movie, but worth your while if you're looking for a great horror flick with a nice plot and storyline. Based on a novel by Stephen King.

Scary moments:

-more than 15.

WTF moments:

1)A cat stuck to the speed limit sign. Later a dog on the entrance to Desperation.
2)The rows of dogs at each side of the highway as Collie drives by.
3)The bloody slot-machine.
4)The body-swapping process.
5)The whole scene in which Steve and Cynthia investigate Desperation.
6)The scene in which David explores the police stations.
7)When Collie shoots Peter.

10 things I've learned from this movie:

1)Never listen to a policeman, especially if he acts weird or has a cut and bleeding face.
2)Marijuana now comes in packs with a smiley on it. :)
3)Trust in your local sheriff . He just might be the next best thing after Charles Manson.
4)'You have the right to an attorney. I will kill you'. Police brutality at its finest.
5)Your dead sister is now a ghost-like apparition. She'll help you figure things out.
6)Human bodies don't last long.
7)Once you're possessed by a more or less evil spirit, you just might have the power to control any animal by shouting a couple of syllables.
8)Chinamen and Americans don't make good neighbours.
9)IN Desperation, the are NO accidents.


1)Unpredictable plot.
2)Very many references to other movies.
3)Dark humour everywhere. Collie's role is outstanding.
4)This movie flung Ron Perlman right on my list of favourite actors.
5)Lots of scares and suspense.


1)Very many questions are left unanswered at the end of the movie.

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